Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation
Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004

To Send Contributions:
Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation
P.O. Box 738455
Dallas, TX 75373-8455

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contact [email protected]

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What is a Ruck?

A military ruck march is a relatively fast march undertaken over distance while carrying a weighted load or ruck sack. In keeping with this idea, Gold Star families, veterans and veteran advocates, legislators, and other supporters have turned out bright and early on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for a series of rucks across the National Mall. The Ruck route winds past the Vietnam, Korean, and World War II memorials – shrines to American heroes alongside which the Global War on Terrorism Memorial will one day take its place.


Watch the recap of the inaugural
Ruck the Reserve event


Why we Ruck

On March 17th, 2022, the Foundation held its inaugural Ruck the Reserve event on the National Mall to celebrate the passage of the Global War on Terrorism Memorial Location Act in December 2021. We have since held additional Rucks to raise awareness about the Memorial.

Now, we encourage you to host a Ruck in your community! Gather a group of neighbors, rally friends and family, or host a household Ruck with your kids – it’s all about coming together and educating each other about the sacrifices our uniformed and non-uniformed service members have made over the past 22 years, and continue to make all over the globe. You can help spread the word about our vision for the Memorial to be an inclusive place where all Americans can honor, heal, be empowered, and unite.

Here’s what to do

  • Organize a group to join you for your Ruck. No Ruck is too big or too small. 
  • Plan your route. Ruck around your local park, your favorite walking trail, or even just your neighborhood block.
  • During the Ruck, talk about your service in the GWOT, or someone else’s service and what it meant to you. If you don’t know anyone who has served, think about the collective service of all who have participated in this multi-generational conflict.
  • Share pictures and videos of your Ruck to social media. Make sure you’re following the Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation on Instagram, share your posts using the hashtag #RuckWithGWOTMF

    Follow the Foundation on X, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • Consider making a group donation in support of the Foundation. Every dollar raised goes directly toward the funding needed to build the Memorial. 

Make a Donation

The Global War on Terrorism Memorial will be entirely funded through private donations. No federal government funding will be used. Join the movement to honor all of our GWOT heroes.

Upcoming Ruck the Reserve Events

Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved.